AYSO Philosophy
Open Registration
Any child who wishes to play may register. AYSO is not limited to any specific group of people.
Everyone Plays
All assigned players are entitled to play at least half the game,
provided they arrive on time and are present for the entire game.
Balanced Teams
To the extent possible, all teams in each two-year age division are
created equal, with similar composition of experienced versus
inexperienced players, and older versus younger players in that age division.
Positive Coaching
AYSO's program is heavily based on child development principles. We
encourage our players to learn and grow in both sports and social
skills. To this end, coaching and communications are to be direct and
honest, while also being supportive and encouraging. Disparagement of
any player or his efforts, in any form, is not tolerated.
Good Sportsmanship
Our players are taught to respect each other, their opponents, coaches,
game officials and other volunteers, and parents. Coaches and game
officials are to demonstrate positive and honest sporting behavior both
on and off the field.
Player Development
We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer
skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually
and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game.